Data Separation
contract Logic {
Data data;
function inc() public{
data.setV(data.v() + 1);
function v() public
return data.v();
contract Data is Owner {
uint public v;
function setV(uint new_v)
public {
v = new_v;
Data storage strategy: key value pair
contract DataContract is Owner {
mapping(bytes32 => uint) uIntStorage;
function getUint(bytes32 key) view public returns(uint) {
return uintStorage[key];
function setUint(bytes32 key, uint new_val) onlyOwner public {
uintStorage[key] = new_val;
It is also known as Eternal storage
Data separation: Recommendations
- Define clear separation between data and logic
- Keep simple implementation
- Avoid complex data storage (ex: key-value pair)
- Define the upgrade procedure
- How to upgrade the contracts? Pause contracts
- How to store keys
- How to communicate with users
How to Upgrade (Solution : 1)
Upgrade: deploy new logic contract and disable old one
How to Upgrade (Solution: 2)
Upgrade: deploy new logic contract and forward call
Data Separation: alternative
Use of third proxy contract
- Provide constant entry point for users
EVM Internals
- EVM has a hardvard architecture
- Section code != Section data
- A contract can
- A contract cannot
- Write directly to another contract's data
### delegatecall instruction
- **Delegatecall instruction:**
- Execute code from external contracts from the caller's data context
- **Example:**
- contract A *delegatecalls* to contract B
- The code of contract B will be executed using data fo contract A
- **Designed for libraries**
### Library
library Lib {
struct Data { uint val; }
function set(Data storage self, uint new_val) public {
self.val = new_val;
contract C {
Lib.Data public myVal;
function set(uint new_val) public {
Lib.set(myVal, new_val);
### Upgradeability through delegatecall
- **Two contracts:**
- Proxy contracts: holds data: (immutable)
- Logic: holds the logic (mutable)
- Fallback function of proxy delegatecalls to Logic

### Upgradeability through delegatecall
- **Upgrade: change the logic contract**
- **Each version of the logic contract must follow the same memory layout**
- Do you know precisely how Solidity store variables in memory?
- Refer slides on solidity assembly
Delegatecall Example
contract Proxy{
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function () public {
contract MyContract_V1 {
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function set(uint val) public {
a = val;
Delegatecall Example
contract Proxy{
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function () public {
contract MyContract_V1 {
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function set(uint val) public {
a = val;

contract MyContract_V2 {
uint public pointer;
address public a;
function set(uint val) public {
a = val;
Delegatecall Example
contract Proxy{
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function () public {
contract MyContract_V1 {
uint public a;
address public pointer;
function set(uint val) public {
a = val;

contract MyContract_V2 {
uint public pointer;
address public a;
function set(uint val) public {
a = val;
Examples of incorrect upgrades
### Delegatecall Proxy: Recommendations
- **Never remove a variable**
- **Never change a variable type**
- Packing issue
- **Be careful with the inheritance**
- Inheritance order impacts the memory layout
- Avoid storage collisions
* Two variables taking same storage slot
### Delegatecall Proxy: Recommendations
- **Use same compiler version**
- Solidity could have better optimizations
- **Be careful with correct contract initializatione**
- Constructors cannot be used
- **Inspect the generated EVM code manually**
- No mature tool can validate the memory layout
### Delegatecall Proxy: Recommendations
- **Define the upgrade procedure**
- How to upgrade the contracts?
- How to store keys?
- how to communicate with users?
### Upgradeability: Takeaways
- **Allow to patch the contracts**
- **Drawbacks for developers:**
- Increase code size and complexity
- Require extra knowledge
- Increase number of keys
- Encourage solving problems after deployments
- **Drawbacks for users:**
- Increase gas cost
- Prevent trustless system
### Upgradeability: recommendations
- **Be careful when choosing features of your contract**
- **Strive for the simplest solution**
- Use data separation over delegatecall
- **Don't add Upgradeability at the end of our development process**
Contract Migration
### Contract Migration
- Copy variables from the contract to a new version
### Why do you need a Migration?
- **To upgrade non-upgradable contracts**
- **To recover from a compromise**
- Contract compromise
- Key(s) compromise
- **To recover from incorrect setup**
- owner = 0
### How to perform a migration
1. **Data recovery: Collect the values of the variables**
- Use Events
2. **Data writing: Deploy and initiate the new contract**
- Use an initialization state
- Migration 300.000 balances = $7,500 in October'20
### Migration versus Upgradeability
- **Migration covers most of the benefits of Upgradeability**
- **Arguments for migration:**
- Simple than Upgradeability
- No additional code
- No additional key
- No additional trust from the user
- No additional cost for users
Upgradable contracts also need a migration procedure
### Migration versus Upgradeability
- **Arguments for Upgradeability**
- **Frequent update (cost of migration)**
- One migration is cheap (read this [blog](
- Fixed address required